Journey to ICP Flower

8 min readOct 26, 2022


Welcome to the final chapter of FP DAO’s founding trilogy. Welcome to the third and final evolutionary phase of crypto’s pre-adoption period. Welcome to the birth of a new superpower that’s planting the seed for a global paradigm shift. Welcome to the critical moment of Web3. Welcome to ICP Flower.

This trilogy does not represent our DAO or community. It represents the origin story of the cryptosphere. A story that binds us all that will only grow in remembrance and importance with time.

The first third of Bitcoin’s lifetime was championed by a fringe group of marginalized believers that questioned the supremacy of fiat currency at a time when it was taboo. The next third was chiefly championed by Ethereum, the ownerless infrastructure that gave legs to Bitcoin and the dream of a liberated financial system; all during a time when questioning the legitimacy of banks was ludicrous. The early BTC and ETH communities were both ridiculed for seeing the need and growth potential of decentralized finance, that is until they weren’t.

As we entered the most recent third of Bitcoin’s lifetime, 2018, crypto was about to endure its longest winter and hardest test. Fear and uncertainty were the defining characteristics of the time, but shared symbols of hope kept us all together, and the movement never faltered.

Crypto came out the other side unscathed and stronger than ever in 2021. The DeFi boom brought to life the imagination of these visionary dissenters with a real universe of users, builders, and their creations. Today we are witnessing record-high currency devaluations and the looming collapse of certain banks. Meanwhile, the love and unity among cryptopians has us just keep doing our thing, growing stronger by the day while we watch the very foundations of the institutions that laughed at us begin to shake.

In 2018, while Ethereum was entering its middle years, a lesser-known branch of crypto was just being born — one focused on Internet technologies at large and the dream of bridging all software to smart contract form. Alongside many partners, DFINITY was hard at work with the brightest minds in the space on a blockchain that would be introduced to the world in 2021. The Internet Computer, though one of many advanced smart contract blockchains, is the only one that defies compromise. ICP rejects any notion resembling an off-chain future, uniquely bringing the whole d-app stack on-chain. Over the years, they paid a hefty price for the threat this posed to competitors. Today its most avid supporters face the same cycle of ridicule of early cryptopians for defying the supremacy of Big Tech and questioning the norms surrounding alternative solutions.

Just as the original BTC Flower Ludo created approaching the pico bottom of the long winter cycle, ICP Flower is following precisely in its footsteps: At first merely an amusing illustration understood by few; later a revolutionary symbol that speaks volumes to the masses.

ICP Flower

We all know how difficult it is to reach coherence in a group rallied around a common goal, especially when that goal is something as complex as building the Internet’s next generation. Ludo, a man of few words, always intuitively understood the right path toward this is not through forceful rhetoric or relentless pursuits, but through the great unifier that is art. His career managed to unite millions over the otherwise controversial area of where the biological meets the technological. His works always start with universal common ground, recognizable to all, but expanded upon with enough ambiguity to have each person leave with something unique.

The generative space afforded him the opportunity to formally augment this theme: A symbolic flower representing societal change that blooms with technological progress, but where each collector is able to own the most strongly resonating subset of that future. The application of this to ICP Flower is more essential than ever before, as it’s FP DAO’s home base and where our OG community has its roots.

Since no project hits closer to home, Ludo has accordingly, with the help of the community, given the appropriate care to each design choice. His last eight months have been dedicated to tweaking flower qualities so that they perfectly reflect the collective mission that we all share a part in.

Color & Texture

ICP Flower’s colors and textures took inspiration from the Internet Computer’s foundational roadmap milestones. Ludo selected eight out of the ten roadmap phases and tuned their design for an exquisite synergy of colors in each flower. Every step along the roadmap signifies an incremental jump in trait rarity:

Pre-Genesis Traits:

  • Copper (13%): First use of the IC via native programing language and SDK.
  • Sodium (12%): The largest pre-launch DFINITY event that announced the IC’s capabilities to the world.
  • Mercury (10%): Official public launch of the Internet Computer.

Post-Genesis Traits:

  • Titanium (10%): DeFi on the Internet Computer
  • Chromium (9%): BTC Integration
  • Carbon (9%): SNS Launch
  • Vanadium (8%): ICP < > ETH Integration
  • Futurium (8%): Post-Quantum Cryptography

In the interest of what will now merge into a community art DAO, Ludo intentionally kept his signature green out of the flower designs, signifying the forthcoming move toward a project open to all artistic varieties. He instead pulled from previous generations for the remaining and rarest trait textures to signify the trilogy itself:

  • Gold (7%): BTC Flower’s Rarest Trait
  • Acrylic Drips (7%): ETH Flower’s Rarest Trait
  • ICP Colors (7%): Texture Gradient of ICP’s Hallmark Palette

All ICP Flowers are generated only with the above traits with the exception of the following five uniques which are pure diamond. As always, these uniques will be launched as seeds and randomly shuffled before the reveal so each holder has an equal chance of receiving one.


Both BTC Flower and ETH Flower backgrounds were made flat, lacking color and design elements just as the backdrop of BTC and ETH technology is the uninspired Web2 infrastructure they mean to escape.

ICP Flower conversely persists on the elegant backdrop of cypherspace, as no part of the flower or its affiliated technologies touch anything resembling legacy technology. Ludo captures this precisely, creating an artistic representation of this virtual universe that makes for a background just as beautiful and meaningful as its centerpiece.

Ludo’s depiction of ICP’s cypherspace uses overlaying mosaics of wires, ebbing and flowing in arrangements reminiscent of the fabric of a virtual space-time. As with the elements of ICP Flower Textures, most are multicolor cypherspace manifestations, many are pure black/grey/white in reflecting the traits of its predecessors, and the rarest few borrow the FP DAO monogram as seen in the Pineapple Punks.


The Internet Computer stands to disrupt a broader subset of institutions than even Bitcoin and Ethereum. Consequently, ICP Flower tombs extend the theme to every last agent of destruction the crypto sphere will reimagine. They come in forms RIP and RISE, the latter being a new type of tomb that reflects ICP’s departure from the early crypto’s anti-establishment vendetta and towards a pure visionary mindset of just building the change you want to see.

RIP Tombs: Censorship, Centralized System, Monopolies, Oppression, and WWW.

RISE Tombs: Creativity, Freedom, Innovation, People, and Web3.

As these tombstones are the driving force behind the community’s view of ICP’s future, they did not originate from Ludo, but were 100% community generated from Discord and the DAO. Thank you flower fam for the contribution :) We can’t see any one being more important than another so all tombstones have an equal rarity.


ICP Flower’s centerpiece received an overhaul, earning the seal decentralized for its link to the impending release of the Service Nervous System (SNS). Ludo collaborated with DFINITY to create the official SNS token, of which ICP Flower hosts it’s ancestor.

As was a long standing dream for many projects, decentralized governance owned and controlled by a community of token holders is the crown jewel of the DAO dream. We carry it out at the IC’s protocol layer with the NNS, and we’re inching toward a full extension of it with the introduction of SNS.

We’d be remiss to let this feat go unrecognized which is why Ludo added a texture element to the flower’s ICP logo that changes independent of the coin; representing the blooming varieties of third party ICP coins and token standards that BTC and ETH never managed to reach.


ICP Flower has a paring trait for matched textures across the flower, tombstone, and coin; just like its brethren predecessors. The logo texture has its own rarity not included as part of the pairing. With a total of 11 ICP Flower textures, compared to BTC and ETH Flower’s 6 & 8, pairings will be by far the scarcest in this collection. As a teaser, here’s the total 25 three-of-a-kind’s that will appear in this collection:

Launch Details

ICP Flower’s will be airdropped to all holders of both BTC and ETH Flower’s in a 1:1 ratio, i.e., if you have 10 BTC Flowers and 15 ETH flowers you will be airdropped 10 ICP Flowers. The snapshot to qualify has been taken today, October 26th at 1pm UTC.

The remainder of forfeited flowers will go to a Dutch Auction this Sunday, October 30th, 1pm UTC at The only wallets able to access the auction will be wallets holding either a flower or punk. The qualifying snapshot for auction access will be take on Friday, 1pm UTC. At auction, the starting price in ICP will be the number of flowers for sale, and price will drop 1 ICP/minute until all the flowers are sold.

All flowers will be airdropped or sold as uniform seeds, randomly revealed shortly after all have entered circulation.

ICP Flowers will have equivalent membership rights and perks to ETH Flower, and ½ that of BTC Flower. Our sincerest gratitude goes out to all those who have been with us along this wild journey. We’re humbled to have organically seeded a DAO community as wonderful as this and can’t wait use it to its fullest capacity. Internally, our team, ambitions, and developments are all expanding in accordance with our 2023 goals. In short, we keep building and despite the winter chills being felt by the larger crypto space, our little corner of it remains vibrant with a wondrous path ahead. See you at launch!




Community controlled NFT launchpad by @btcflower — Merging the best Web3 stack with the finest art