On launch day, BTC Flower will take the form of 2009 seemingly identical seeds. Shortly thereafter they grow into a final form with five distinct characteristics. No one, including the team, can know what they’re getting ahead of time — giving everyone an equal chance at a rare flower. Here are their possible characteristic combinations.
After blooming from seeds, each BTC flower will have one attribute for each of the listed components. Though the specific rarity of each is still to be revealed, they are sorted from most rare to least rare.
Characteristic Breakdown
Tombstone Symbol: Dollar, PayPal, Amex, Mastercard, Visa, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Pound.
Tombstone Texture: Gold, Diamond, Silver, Charcoal Black, Natural Green, Pearl White.
Flower Texture: Gold, Diamond, Silver, Charcoal Black, Natural Green, Pearl White.
Bitcoin Texture: Gold, Diamond, Silver, Charcoal Black, Natural Green, Pearl White.
Background: Black, Grey, White.
Of course you’d be lucky to land a gold-plated flower with a diamond USD tombstone and silver bitcoin, but who’s to say that’s any more special than a flower with pure natural green for all characteristics? BTC Flower is a species of chimeras, meaning each trait is independently random, just as it is in nature. Rarity itself is about the flower as a whole, which is why trait combinations are important. In addition to the individual characteristics, each flower also has a chance at a trait more valuable than any single characteristic.
Chimeras are conglomerations of two or more distinct individuals. The uniformity of having two or three matching characteristics means that a flower is more genetically pure, closer to the central branch of its evolutionary tree. For example, imagine a truly golden BTC flower, or a flower with a gold tombstone, flower, and bitcoin. There may only be one in the whole collection, which would mean only several semi-golden flowers exist, having two out of the three golden traits. Matching texture traits in BTC Flowers, in addition to accentuating their beauty, will impact traits of later generations that grow the BTC Flower garden.
What will always supersede the importance of rarity is of course your aesthetic preference, which the market will dictate based on combined community input. But rarity is a good proxy, as it runs parallel to our typical association with value. Diamond and gold textures are, for example, preferable to black and white. Rarity is a touchy subject since there are so many ways to derive it. In our case, we use statistical rarity, the method adopted by Entrepot, and one that’s becoming standard in the NFT space. Here’s how it will work.
There are 5 primary traits for each flower and 1 possible texture combination, so six traits. Each trait will have a predetermined chance of occurring. After the mint, each flower trait will be given a percentage rarity calculated as # flowers with trait / 2009. The final flower rarity will be the product of all trait percentages, ranked from #1 to #2009.
Most NFTs have trait rarity determined on a whim. The outcome is oftentimes an unexpected value distribution, as the math behind rarity doesn’t care about our intuitions about what is rare or beautiful. BTC Flower is a generative piece with some caveats like high rarity pairing traits that will impact later generations. In short, getting the balance right requires serious forethought. Since trait probabilities have not been finalized, we don’t know yet what form the BTC Flower species will take. The team is working hard to determine trait percentages that will yield the fairest flower distribution while matching our natural intuitions of their beauty.
In an upcoming release, we’ll reveal the finalized probability distribution for all rarity scores, including how example flowers stack up in the ranking. Ultimately, the importance of this won’t be felt until BTC Flower hits secondary markets, but for those growing from seed, it offers a clear picture of what your flower could become.